Natural Stone Floor Cleaning

Natural stone floors need to be cleaned with techniques that won't damage the structure of the stone. Stone of all types will in general be susceptible to the dirt, grime, and oils present in every environment. Floors are especially vulnerable because they are constantly being walked on.
Natural stone flooring can be made of granite, slate, limestone, travertine, and more. The surface of stone is naturally porous, making it easy to get dirty. Food spills, stains, oils, etc, work at the surface every day to make it look dingy and dirty.
Certain substances will ruin your granite, so it's important that your professional granite cleaning company has the skill and knowledge to handle these surfaces without damaging them. It's true that granite is one of the hardest rock in nature, but it still needs care when cleaning or polishing.
Slate is another natural stone that is very finely grained. Slate has a smooth look and texture. Slate needs to be cleaned carefully because it is fragile. It can be prone to cracking and scratching.
Slate flooring needs to be cleaned carefully and polished regularly. If left without a seal, the slate will quickly become grubby and dull looking. It is normally quarried and formed into tiles and is set with grout, so the grout also needs to be cleaned and sealed.
Limestone is a natural stone that consists of sedimentary rock composed mostly of calcite and aragonite. These minerals are crystals formed as calcium carbonate. The rock structure is formed by many fragments of skeletal marine organisms like coral.
Limestone is readily found in almost all areas of North America. It is very porous and can be very difficult to clean because it readily absorbs moisture.
Travertine is a compact variety of limestone that is formed along stream beds. They are commonly found near waterfalls and around hot or cold springs. There are different varieties of travertine that are formed by different methods of earth cycles. Travertine is a banded stone and is also mostly calcium carbonate.
We treat your natural stone floor right here at Advanced Carpet Cleaning, and we know the best techniques to use to restore your natural stone flooring to its original beauty. Our services always involve using only environmentally friendly cleansers that are the most effective on the market. If you need someone you can count on to professionally clean and polish your granite, call us today.
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